Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Defqon.1 2011 Come To A Close

Defqon.1 2011 in the Netherlands has come to an end, the event went smooth and without problems. Looking at the videos and pictures now really makes me jealous of how large and well established the Hardstyle festivals are in Europe. It just makes me all that more excited for Defqon.1 that is comeing up later this year in Australia, although the artist line up is not the best I know that Q-Dance will deliver a great atmosphere for the festival as they did this year at Biddinghuizen.

The pictures look phenomenal and I will leave you guys with a variety of my favorite ones.

Out very own top 2 Australian Hardstyle DJ's Rocking the Main Stage.
Tonshifterz: Middle Two, Bioweapon: Outer Two 

Just Amazing!

Hope everyone got to experience some of this years Defqon.1. If you are Australian stay tuned for this years Defqon.1 that is on the 17th September, 2011.

Brought to you by:


  1. Looks like a arseload of fun! Nice post, man!

  2. I wish I could live in the Netherlands just for this.

  3. Like the pics looks alot of fun I would like to be there right now. +follow

  4. Damn I've missed out on every big EDM event for almost a year now. lucky!

  5. amazing blog. Big EDM fan, so I'm following! Please try and check mine out as well!

  6. Must have been a very nice show. In recent years I have come to love electronic music, so I'll definitely check 'hardstyle' out!

  7. Ive always wanted to visit one of these. Maybe someday i can.

  8. Show looks epic! i love hardstyle and all the electronic music hope to go to an event like this soon

  9. great show and party, keep it up mate!

  10. this is amazing mate

  11. That looks ridiculously fun and amazing!
